Walking: A Research Method in Art and Design, 2020
ISBN 978-90-72600-56-1
Walking: A Research Method in Art and Design is the first book in a series published by the Lectorate Design at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague, aiming to identify and share a range of research methods that use the tools, approaches, and capacities of art and design in order to create new knowledge in the context of walking. The publication was edited by Alice Twemlow in collaboration with Alice Ladenburg, and contains Q&A’s, essays, and contributions by students, tutors, and researchers active at KABK.
Referencing blueprints for the 1937 building of the Royal Academy of Art, the identity of the research series is centred on a modular stencil typeface which is based on the Graphik typeface by Christian Schwartz, and is inspired by early 20th century geometric sans-serif typefaces. The font has five different weights and each of them varies in the width of its stencil bridges, creating a vast range in variation. Setting text in this typeface is randomised by a custom script which creates the unique visual character of the body text.
You can have an additional look into the publication here.
editing: Alice Ladenburg and Alice Twemlow; design in collaboration with: Martijn de Heer; printing: Robstolk